Co. B, 15th Infantry Regiment

Cleburne's Sharpshooters

2025 Schedule

These are events at which we may have people attend.  Events chosen as maximum efforts, those that everyone should try to attend, are noted with "[MAX]".  Some have the already chosen impression (US/CS) noted as well.  Some events are listed in the month in which they usually occur, if no date was available at the time of the last update.

Find more events/info on the GDRA Schedule page:

Updated: 21 FEB 2025

FEB 1-2             Dalton CW Relic Show
FEB 14-15         Pickett’s Mill Living History [CANCELLED]            
MAR 1-2           Pickett’s Mill Drill Weekend (US)             
MAR  28-30      Lemon House Marker Dedication - Acworth, GA
APR TBD          Resaca Workday/28th GA Memorial Service – Resaca, GA
MAY 2-4           Streight's Raid Battle Reenactment - Cedar Bluff, AL
MAY 16-18       BTL of Resaca (US) – Resaca, GA
MAY 31-           Pickett’s Mill BTL Anniversary (CS) – Dallas, GA        
1 JUN  
JUN & JUL       TBD
AUG 9-10          SE CW Show, Cobb Co. Civic Center, Marietta, GA
SEP 5-7              Sequoyah Birthplace Living History - Vonore, TN or
                           BTL of Tunnel Hill, GA
OCT 3-4            Toccoa Military Days (US) – Toccoa, GA
OCT 24-26        BTL of Sandersville, GA
NOV                  TDB